Behind the Scenes: Our Family

Published by Grace Church Admin on

1. Name: Bro. Matt Cuny

2. How long have you been a Christian?
22 years.
3. How long have you been at Grace Church? I’ve been ministering at Grace 6 months.

4. Who has most influenced your Christian Walk? Bro. James Martin, Bro. Jeff Hough, Bro. Roger and Sis. Pam Sheppard, and my Father in Law, Bro Steven Bernard. 

5. What is your favorite bible verse? 1 Thess. 5:24- Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it. 

6. What is you favorite thing about our church? My favorite thing is the people! 


Grace Church loves and appreciates our Pastor and his wife Sis. Heather! We are very thankful to have them with us! He was born in and comes from a rich Native American Heritage Not only is Bro. Matt passionate about the Gospel, he is an avid singer, piano player, and organ player! 

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