Behind the Scenes: Our Family

Published by gfgcsumter1540 on

1. Name: Murphy McClellan

2. How long have you been a Christian?
Almost 3 years- I was saved February 2015.

3. How long have you been at Grace church? Since I got saved at Grace (see #2)

4. Who has most influenced your Christian walk? My Father (Albert McClellan)

5. What is your favorite bible verse?
Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
Proverbs 18:22 whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing

6. What is your favorite thing about our church?
I love the people! We are friends, we love each other, and we look out for one another. And we love to eat.


Bro. Murphy plays the guitar for our church! He has been married to his wife Tiffany for almost 4 years!

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