Behind the Scenes: Our Family

Published by gfgcsumter1540 on

1. Name: Shirley Fryer

2. How long have you been a Christian? I’ve been a Christian 46 years.

3. How long have you been at Grace Church? 25 years.

4. Who has most influenced your Christian Walk? Bro. Carnell Floyd

5. What is your favorite bible verse? My favorite verse is John 3 :16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

6. What is you favorite thing about our church? The loving people and knowing God is there with us!

Sis. Shirley is an active member of the ladies auxiliary at Grace! Her and her husband are two of the founding members of Grace Church.

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