Behind the Scenes: Our Family

Published by gfgcsumter1540 on

1. Name: Diane Anderson

2. How long have you been a Christian? I’ve been a Christian since I was 13.

3. How long have you been at Grace Church? I’ve been at Grace for 13 years.

4. Who has most influenced your Christian Walk? The one person that has had the most influence on my life is or was, my dad. He use to say if you don’t believe God is real, go outside and look around you. You can see Him everywhere. He’d say living for Him is easy to. You have your Bible for a road map. All you do is get on the right road and follow the words and it’ll take you exactly where you want to go. I never really understood his meaning or what he was talking about until October 15, 2003 at 6:30 in the morning at Richland Memorial Hospital. I was getting ready to go into the operating room for brain surgery. That was the moment I was truly saved. And for the next 4 days of my life was a testimony of the miracles God can do!

5. What is your favorite bible verse? My favorite bible passage is Matthew 6:25-34. My favorite verse is 31. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all theses things shall be added unto you.

6. What is you favorite thing about our church? My favorite thing about our church is the people. We have a loving and caring church. If one of us has a need, the others are there to pray and help in any way that’s needed. They welcome anyone that comes in with love and fellowship. There are no strangers there. Just another special person that is seeking God and a place to worship.

Sis. Diane is an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary. Her husband Bro. Will is a member of the usher team and is Grace’s greeter. We love and appreciate their faithfulness.


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